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Growing up in the '70s was a fabulous time for playing outside. My brother and I made many happy memories making camps in between trees, we would play out for hours. But, we also had another passion - and that was reading.

Along came my teenage years and with them a love for hairspray, make-up and boys.

I continued to read, but it was never as vivaciously as when I was a child.

In my twenties, I met my soul partner and started a new decade of adventures and memory making with him. My twenties ended with my first child, and I went on to have another three children.

My thirties were both my best and my worst decade. My family was complete, but I also lost my best friend. Sadly, my beautiful mother passed away at the young age of 56 from a brain tumour.

Devastated, and with four young children under the age of 8, instead of losing myself to grief, I enrolled in college and then naturally progressed to university. With young children and still tiptoeing around my grief, it was hard, but I was lucky enough to obtain a 

 BSc Honours degree. However, I was not happy with job prospects related to my degree, so I went back to university and obtained a PGCE in Primary Education.


One day while I was teaching, the school had a special visitor - it was an author. I was as mesmerised as the children were as we sat and listened to her days spent conjuring up new people and worlds.

That was it, I was hooked. I finally knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to use my overactive imagination to invent my own characters and worlds. 


That's when my journey to becoming a full-time writer began. 

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